Doktor Tarsa A.Ş.


Doktor Tarsa A.Ş.


OSB 2. Kısım 22. cadde No:10





Web Sayfası


+90 242 249 4646


+90 242 249 4600

Ticari Markalar

Novalon   Technofert   Nutriflex   Maxplant   Speedfol   Powerfol   Agritech   Keymag   Multicrop  

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Şirket Profili

HISTORY Doktor Tarsa founded by Prof. Dr. Mazhar Özman in 1987 in İstanbul. Being a medical doctor, Prof. Dr. Özman had a passion to grow healthy plants. While trying new products in his small garden greenhouse, he discovered the effectiveness of peat moss on germination, a product which was not known by Turkish farmers in that time. Thrilled by this success in his small garden, he thought that everybody should benefit from this new product and decided to share this new application with Turkish farmers. For this reason, he founded a small company. A company, whose first action was to meet new technologies with farmers. As the essence of its foundation, innovation is still the primary mission of Doktor Tarsa. After several difficult, but successful years of proving the necessity of peat moss, a new challenge was awaiting with the developments in modern irrigation and plant nutrition products. Doktor Tarsa became one of the pioneers in this area as well. Getting bigger each year, the com

Bu şirketin ihraç ettiği GTİP(ler)

# GTİP Kodu GTİP Kodu Açıklaması
1 283321 Magnezyum Sülfat
2 283421 Potasyum Nitrat
3 283429 Nitratlar (Potasyum Nitrat Hariç)
4 283524 Potasyum Fosfatlar
5 310260 Kalsiyum Nitrat Ve Amonyum Nitratın Çift Tuzları Ve Karışımları
6 310430 Potasyum Sülfat
7 310520 Bitki Besin Maddeleri Olan Azot, Fosfor Ve Potasyumun Üçünü Birden İçeren Mineral Veya Kimyasal Gübreler
8 310540 Amonyum Dihidrojenortofosfat (Monoamonyum Fosfat) Ve Bunun Diamonyum Hidrojenortofosfatla (Diamonyum Fosfat) Karışımları
9 382490 Kimya Sanayii Veya Kimya Sanayiine Bağlı Sanayilerde Kullanılan Diğer Kimyasal Ürünler Ve Müstahzarlar