Netnut Gıda Sanayi İç ve Dış Ticaret A.Ş.


Netnut Gıda Sanayi İç ve Dış Ticaret A.Ş.


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Şirket Profili

About Netnut... With leadership of H.M. Ali Özkara, who has been in dried fruit business since 1955 and his sons Burhaneddin Özkara and Abdulkadir Özkara established Netnut Food Industry Domestic and Foreign Trade Ltd. Co. in 2002. In everevolving industry to provide beter service they had new business title as Netnut Food Industry Domestic and Foreign Trade Co. in 2010. Netnut Food continues its business with Abdulkadir Özkara as a leader with more then half a century of experince ond corporate structure. Our mission is to help our customers develop knowledge and an understanding througy experience in market conditions and fluctuations. We strive to be an industry leader with honest and reliable principles. Through a wide product variety, all efforts are put forth to ensure quality merchandise with competitive prices. We are proud of Our innovative business strategy, as well as the products we offer. Our imports of coffee, nuts and spices cover not only the large countries, but also any point on the globe. 關於Netnut ... 自1955年以來,包含在後期布爾漢努丁Özkara和阿卜杜勒 - 卡迪爾· Özkara san.iç於2002年由淨堅果食品和外貿哈吉 Özkaraca兒子的領導下,乾果行業。有限公司STI 。 “那麼該公司繼續開展活動。在不斷發展,更好地服務行業在2010年與san.iç淨堅果食品和非公司的理解有經驗的標題和超過半個世紀的產業,納入一個完整的企業架構,阿卜杜勒 - 卡迪爾· Özkara繼續引領的道路上。 我們公司的使命;隨著他在全球市場不結合的知識和經驗,以提高所有的時間,不斷增加產品的種類犧牲質量以目 前的市場環境的經驗。並專注於客戶的需求。通過實現這一目標,以誠實可靠的基本原理的圖像的原理是在市場 上的領先地位。 具有廣泛的產品在國際市場和廠商在國內,高品質且價格合理的產品給消費者,旨在讓我們的組織,堅果,香料,豆類和咖啡品種上只對某些國家購買出售交易最合適的條件下,也遍布從點世界開拓創新的交易策略其中管理是傑出的組織之一而自豪。 Acerca de Netnut... Con el liderazgo de H.M. Ali Özkara, que ha estado en el negocio de los frutos secos desde 1955 y sus hijos Burhanedín Özkara y Abdulkadir Özkara fundaron la empresa Netnut Food Industry Domestic and Foreign Trade Ltd. Co. en 2002. Industria en constante evolución para ofrecer un mejor servicio crearon un nuevo negocio con el nombre de Netnut Food Industry Domestic and Foreign Trade Co. en 2010. Netnut Food continúa su negocio con Abdulkadir Özkara como líder con más de medio siglo de experiencia y estructura corporativa. Nuestra misión es ayudar a nuestros clientes a desarrollar el conocimiento y la comprensión mediante nuestra experiencia en las condiciones del mercado y sus fluctuaciones. Nos esforzamos por ser una empresa líder con principios basados en la honestidad y la confianza. Con una amplia variedad de productos, ponemos todos nuestros esfuerzos para asegurar productos de alta calidad a precios competitivos. Estamos orgullosos de nuestra estrategia de negocio innovadora así como de los productos que ofrecemos. Nuestras importaciones de café, frutos secos y especias llegan no sólo a los grandes países, sino también a cualquier lugar del mundo. 关于Netnut ... 自1955年以来,公司在布尔汉努丁Özkara、阿卜杜勒 - 卡迪尔• Özkara san.iç和哈吉M.Ali Özkaraca的领导下,进军干果行业, 经过不懈努力,坚持提供优质产品优质服务的基础上,2010 Netnut成为了一家主营净坚果食品的优质服务型公司,与此同时,在阿卜杜勒 - 卡迪尔• Özkara的引领下,总结经验,调整企业架构,逐步成长为有着半世纪历史的优质企业。 我们公司的使命:随着全球化市场的不断深入,我们不断积累经验,提高生产效率,丰富产品种 类,严把产品质量环节,并专注于客户的需求,以诚实可靠的专业精神,逐步在行业中获得领先地位。 我们的产品在国内拥有一流的生产制作工艺,高品质,低价格,让我们的产品在国际上获得青睐,旨在让我们的产品如坚果,香料,豆类和咖啡在符合购买国家交易允许的前提下,开拓更加广泛的国际市场,让我们的产品遍布全球,我们为此不断努力,也为我们取得的成就感到自豪

Bu şirketin ihraç ettiği GTİP(ler)

# GTİP Kodu GTİP Kodu Açıklaması
1 080132 Kaju Cevizi; Kabuksuz
2 080211 Bademler; Kabuklu (Taze Veya Kurutulmuş)
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4 080222 Fındıklar Veya Filbert (Corylus Spp.); Kabuksuz (Taze Veya Kurutulmuş)
5 080231 Cevizler; Kabuklu (Taze Veya Kurutulmuş)
6 080232 Cevizler; Kabuksuz (Taze Veya Kurutulmuş)
7 080250 Antep Fıstığı; Taze Veya Kurutulmuş
8 080251 Antep Fıstığı; Kabuklu (Taze Veya Kurutulmuş)
9 080252 Antep Fıstığı; Kabuksuz (Taze Veya Kurutulmuş)
10 081320 Erik; Kurutulmuş
11 100510 Mısır; Tohumluk Olan
12 100590 Mısır; Tohumluk Olmayan
13 120220 Yer Fıstığı (Kavrulmamış Veya Başka Şekilde Pişirilmemiş; Kabuksuz
14 120600 Ayçiçeği Tohumu
15 120991 Sebze Tohumları
16 190410 Hububat Veya Hububat Ürünlerinin Kabartılması Veya Kavrulması Suretiyle Elde Edilen Gıda Mamulleri (Corn Flakes Gibi)
17 200819 Sert Kabuklu Meyvalar (Yer Fıstığı Hariç) Ve Diğer Tohumlar (Birbirleriyle Karışık Olsun Olmasın) (Başka Surette Hazırlanmış Veya Konserve Edilmiş)
18 200899 Diğer Meyvalar, Sert Kabuklu Meyvalar Ve Yenilen Diğer Bitki Parçaları (Başka Surette Hazırlanmış Veya Konserve Edilmiş)