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Şirket Profili

ODE embarked on its business journey in 1985 with contracting operations. In 1998, ODE decided to move forward in the insulation industry, one that would serve Turkey's need. Having become an importer in 1990 and a manufacturer in 1996, ODE now manufactures products in 2 main categories, Building and HVAC insulation. ODE is now among the largest manufacturers of the insulation industry with 5 state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, over 4 thousand product varieties, and expert workforce. We manufacture extruded polystyrene thermal insulating material under the brand of ODE Isıpan; polymer modified bituminous waterproofing blankets under the brand of ODE Membrane, glass wool products used for heat and sound insulation and fire safety under the brand of ODE Starflex; and elastomeric rubber foam insulating material under the brand of ODE R-Flex. As its Eskişehir Manufacturing Facility comes into play, ODE which currently exports to 5 continents aims to increase its export capacity even further, and become the leader in waterproofing in Turkey. ODE reflects its social responsibility awareness to all its operations, and is the first company in the insulation industry of Turkey to publish a "Corporate Social Responsibility Report". Furthermore, ODE has been the first among its peers to earn the internationally recognized Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) certificate which is compatible with European standards and which applies for all markets to all heat and water insulation products manufactured by ODE in its facilities in Çorlu. Having implemented pioneering efforts toward raising public awareness of insulation and energy awareness, and taking care to be involved in projects that will hand down permanent value to the future, ODE changed its company motto to "Insulates the Future" in 2014. In knowledge of the universal responsibility of being in the global market, ODE continues to operate as a company which encourages its social stakeholders through visionary and innovative work.

Bu şirketin ihraç ettiği GTİP(ler)

# GTİP Kodu GTİP Kodu Açıklaması
1 271320 Petrol Bitümeni
2 392111 Stiren Polimerlerinden Diğer Plakalar, Levhalar, Yapraklar, Filmler, Folyeler Ve Şeritler (Gözenekli)
3 400811 Gözenekli Kauçuktan Levha, Tabaka Ve Şeritler
4 400911 Vulkanize Edilmiş Kauçuktan Boru Ve Hortumlar; (Takviyesiz Veya Birleşmemiş, Bağlantı Elemanları Olmayanlar)
5 560313 Dokunmamış Mensucat; M2 Ağırlığı 70 Gr.I Geçen Fakat 150 Gr.I Geçmeyenler, Sentetik Ve Suni Liflerden
6 560314 Dokunmamış Mensucat; M2 Ağırlığı 150 Gr.I Geçenler, Sentetik Ve Suni Liflerden
7 680610 Cüruf Yünü, Kaya Yünü Ve Benzeri Mineral Yünler (Kütle, Levha,Yaprak Ve Rulo Halinde)
8 680710 Asfalttan Veya Benzeri Maddelerden Eşya; Rulo Halinde (Petrol Bitümeni Veya Taşkömürü Zifti Gibi)
9 680919 Alçı Ve Alçı Esaslı Bileşiklerden Levhalar, Plakalar, Panolar, Karolar Ve Benzerleri
10 701939 Cam Örtüler, Şilteler, Panolar Ve Benzeri Dokunmamış Mensucattan Eşya, Cam Liflerinden (Cam Yünü Dahil)
11 701980 Cam yünü ve cam yününden eşya
12 701990 Diğer Cam Lifi, Cam Yününden Mamuller
13 731829 Demir Veya Çelikten Vida Benzeri Diğer Eşya; Diş Açılmamış
14 830790 Adi Metallerden Eğilip Bükülebilen Borular (Demir Veya Çelikten Olmayanlar)
15 841370 Diğer Santrifüj Pompalar