SAI - Strategic Analysis India Pvt. Ltd.


SAI - Strategic Analysis India Pvt. Ltd.


702 7th floor Sushant tower Sector 56










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Профіль Підприємства

Strategic Analysis India Pvt. Ltd. (SAIPL) was established almost two decades ago as a subsidiary of Strategic Analysis Inc. (SAI)–a knowledge-led international consulting firm founded in 1977 providing high-quality decision support to help clients. SAIPL pursues SAI’s focused vision–empowering clients with a new standard of decision support grounded in an intensive field-oriented business research methodology and executed by seasoned industry professionals. SAIPL has a global presence through its parent and sister companies, and a well-entrenched local presence in India, its South Asian neighbors, the Middle East and Africa through its own offices and its long-term strategic partners We are committed to delivering accurate, timely, “from the ground up” market data, insights, analysis and recommendations to produce tangible and timely actionable outcomes. At SAI, the aim is to empower clients to strategically differentiate themselves to gain competitive insights and advantages and market leadership. Over 75% of SAI’s and SAIPL’s business is generated through existing clients, demonstrating extremely high satisfaction levels and our ability to continuously deliver superior decision support. With 375 full-time employees across our 13 international operations and long-term strategic partners across other key emerging markets, we have the capabilities to satisfy the needs and interests of our clients across all major regions and markets across the globe including South Asia and the MEA regions. How We Support Clients We support clients through: •Customized research and real-time and in-depth information on markets and geographies. •Executable strategies to gain market leadership, competitive advantages and growth. •Recommendations to grow their businesses through inorganic and organic strategies. •Approaches to drive efficiency and productivity through techno-commercial benchmarking analysis and understanding best practices. •In-depth insights on complex and fragmented markets, identifying opportunities and competitive threats to assist clients to design winning strategies. •To understand and evaluate competitors’ current and future positions and strategies, to effectively devise a strategically differentiated strategy, and the necessary tactics to counter competitive threats.

Зображення Продукту

ТН ЗЕД Коди, які ця компанія експорт

# Код ТН ЗЕД Опис ТН ЗЕД Кода
1 310210 Сечовина (карбамiд), у тому числi у водному розчинi
2 310221 Сульфат амонiю
3 310420 Хлористий калiй
4 310520 Добрива мiнеральнi або хiмiчнi iз вмiстом трьох поживних елементiв: азоту, фосфору та калiю
5 310530 Гiдроортофосфат дiамонiю (фосфатдiамонiй)
6 310551 Добрива мiнеральнi або хiмiчнi iншi iз вмiстом двох поживних елементiв: азоту i фосфору: iз вмiстом нiтратiв та фосфатiв
7 310559 Добрива мiнеральнi або хiмiчнi iз вмiстом двох чи трьох поживних елементiв: азоту, фосфору та калiю; iншi добрива; товари цiєї групи у таблетках чи аналогiчних формах або в упаковках масою брутто не бiльш як 10 кг:
8 310560 Добрива мiнеральнi або хiмiчнi iз вмiстом двох поживних елементiв: фосфору та калiю
9 871130 Мотоцикли (включаючи мопеди) та велосипеди з допомiжним двигуном, з колясками або без них з двигуном внутрiшнього згоряння з кривошипно-шатунним механiзмом i робочим об'ємом цилiндрiв двигуна понад 250 см3, але не бiльш як 500 см3